Saturday, October 31, 2009

How many teeth did you need pulled for braces?

I havent had my consultation yet but I will soon. I was told I would need 4 removed, but I wouldnt be surprised if I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out as well. I was just wondering if my procedure will be the same as anybody elses.
Having teeth extracted for orthodontics is based on each individual's case. Some people don't have enough room due to overcrowding or a narrow jaw, or an over-jet. In some cases those problems can be solved with palatal expanders or headgear, and yet even still, there are some that still may need to have teeth extracted. Having your 1st bicuspid taken out is a common occurrence, just make sure all other options are exhausted first. Ask lots of questions and ask for all the options to be explained and your role in how to fix them, meaning: if you have to have a headgear how long will I have to wear it, how many months, how many hours per day, and what will happen if I don't wear it.etc. I have seen some Orthodontist recommend extractions that end up making the patient's mouth look sunk in because other treatment plans were not complied with by the patient. If you have ANY doubt get a second opinion and compare notes.
Wisdom teeth.a lot of people need them out not only because of crowding but because they come in sideways and push against the adjacent teeth causing cavities and all sorts of problems. Wisdom teeth issues doesn't need to be addressed until your dentist has a better idea of their position and even if you will have all 4 of them.
Your best bet is to have your dentist monitor the wisdom teeth periodically and he can diagnosis if they will become a problem in your future. Good luck! :o)
My daughter didn't have any teeth removed
None, the orthodontist just attaches the braces on. Unless, you have a cavity, they will have to clean that first, but they won't remove it.
Somebody, yes. It is because the teeth is against with other teeth, so it has to be removed to be looking good.
5.. 4 adult and 1 baby! it's not that bad!
When i was a teenager i had to get 4 teeth removed now i am 21 and i need fixed braces and i dont need any teeth removed.
The 4 wisdom teeth are usually removed. It depends on their placement in the jaw. I had mine done 1 at a time. Sometimes they can take them all out at once, but it's usually a hospital procedure. See if that's possible and the difference in price.
I had to have 4 removed before braces. Because there wasn't enough room.Then when I got older, the 4 wisdom teeth. =)
4 removed for my braces.
I had 4 removed. They were the 5th teeth back from the front. When my wisdom teeth came in years later, they crowed my mouth and my teeth became a bit crooked again. THEN, my wisdom teeth fell apart from the pressure from the crowding. I recently had them removed too.

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