Sunday, October 25, 2009

How long can i dip?

people say it takes years for the negative effects of chewing tobbacoo, how long on average does it take? i would dip that long and then quit... also i use pouches so it doesnt eat at my gums
Answer: is the real deal...and you are probably going to like hearing it..A recent scientific study came out not too long ago...(I wish I had the authors for you) that showed that people that dipped came up with cancer about .03% of the time...that isn't 3%, it is .03! ie...3/1000! The odds are very, very slim. It is actually a SAFE alternative to smoking and is what we tell people to do if they are trying to quit smoking, but still want the nicotine rush and aren't interested in quitting altogether.The bad things about dipping is that it can lead to recession on your teeth, and the sugar from the tobacco can give you cavities.The risk of cancer is very, very, very low..
I don't know man...I remember the story of Sean Marsee, the all-state football player who didn't live long enough to see his graduation day because he died of mouth cancer from using dip/snuff. My advice is to quit now.
Let's put it this way... chewing tobacco is just as bad, if not worse, than smoking tobacco from cigarettes.
There is no certain time table on how long a person can dip, or smoke for that matter. There have been people who have smoked for ages, and live to be old, while others have never smoked, like Dana Reaves and died from lung cancer. It depends on you and your genetics as well as how often you dip? Also just because you use pouches does not mean you are immune to the negative effects of smoke-less tobacco. You can still get nose, throat, and mouth cancer from any form of smoke-less tobacco. Have you ever seen someone that has had to have their lower jaw removed due to mouth cancer? It is not a pretty sight. If what you say is true, than why not quit now? There are no absolutes in life, and you can't put a time-frame on whether or not you will have ill-effects from dipping. Do yourself a favor and stop now, rather than later. Your body, health, teeth, gums, and breath will thank you.
I've been dippin' intermittently for six months, but don't use this as a guideline or figure you can quit the day before you get mouth cancer, ulcerations and any or all of the things even Skoal is obligated to tell you about. Frankly when I am ready to quit smoking, I am going to limit my chews to 4 per day or less and go down from there. Took me 40 years to get fitted for a nose hose as in oxygen at night or else slide off to Death Park. I did have the genetics for emphysema, but in the early '60's the smoking link had not been established and anyway I was young enough to believe I was immortal as even non-filter Camels didn't make me cough. Grandmother died of emphysema in her 80's, mother died of pancreatic cancer in late '50's but had asthma, bronchitis and would have developed or did develop undiagnosed emphysema and I am what's known as alpha1 which means I lack a defense enzyme and would have gotten the Big E whether or not I smoked thanks to the automotive and several other corporate killers. Dipping is more appropriately defined as taking snuff or chewing tobacco such as Mail Pouch, Red Man, Beech Nut which were as familiar to me as my own name when I was growing up. The Bandits are less risky because of the pouch, but do recognize you are playing with fire and the House always wins because we gamblers don't know when to hold, fold and stay too darn long at the fair or casino. I have done the R %26 D for you Kyle, as has my generation and many of us are becoming statistics every day.
You are young enough to quit, I am not because I didn't leave the table in time and am more or less resigned to my own "voluntary fate." I used to smoke 3 packs or 60 cigarettes per day and am now down to 5 or 6 because I can go 8 hours sans smoking if I pop in a pouch twice a day. Even cut that down on the pouches and still hold to the 5 or 6 smokes and am thinking I can probably eliminate the smokes and start with 4 or less pouches, say one every 4 hours. Smoking is pure dee habit and even my lungs want what is deadly for them. Tried the lozenges, pastilles, patches and even Nicorette inhalers by prescription only and like a Red Foreman dumb@$$ smoked as well which was asking for a nicotine OD. The pouches do keep me from cheating, so do recommend them as a temporary tool, but the idea is to put all of them down eventually and the sooner the better. Keep in mind to pitch the pouch as soon as your crave bites the dust and do not trade one habit for another, just get out of the game and get ahead of it. Someone gave me a Bad Answer notation on our last communique probably because I seemingly endorsed Skoal and they were obviously anti-tobacco and did not understand tobacco is harder to quit than heroin You do understand that you have been informed by a lot of experienced (pro and con) people here and the action is up to you. Use of tobacco can become a self-imposed death sentence as it has for me so hit the ESC key before you develop my Cavalier attitude. Hate it when I have to offer a "Do as I say, not as I do" advisory, but I can deal more readily with someone calling me a hypocrite than hearing that some doctor or M.E. called you dead.

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