Sunday, October 25, 2009

How exactly do they place veneers and lumineers? Am I a good candidate?

I sometimes grind my teeth but I was especially bad about it whenever I was in high school. I chipped a few of my bottom teeth doing this but every once in a while the chipped area will feel sensitive. Also, I think it's a calcium deficiency or something with my mother's side of the family, but my teeth are very thin at the bottom, where you can see through it almost. Some of the thin areas have chipped. I am interested in how these teeth are placed and what are some of the pros and cons of having them done. Do they ever come loose? Does it hurt? Which is best? Does the above make me a good candidate?
I have two Lumineers and one veneer. I like the Lumineers because it has a more teeth-look to them. it's more shiny, transparent. I have these two on my front tooth to cover a gap. The veneer is "flat" in color and if you get a few together, imo, can look like dentures. But before I got the Lumineers on the other teeth, I didn't really notice this difference, so you may not also. The veneer was much cheaper though. I have mines near the back so it's not really noticeable. About $500-$800. The lumineers were $1200 w/a $200 $1400...just for the tooth, not including prepping it like cement.The Lumineer required no drilling like u said. So there is no pain or shots needed. And if I ever decide to remove the lumineer, my tooth won't be harmed too much. But the veneer, my tooth was shaved down to a nub. I had to be numbed for that. I was a bit sad to see my old teeth shaved down like that.Go to a cosmetic dentist, most are these days but make sure cuz they are trained to make it look more pleasing. My veneer was done really poorly by a reg dentist. I had it redone with a cosmetic and looks really nice. With either of them, they can chip. I haven't had the problem with my veneers for 3 years. Still looks as good as the first day. For the Lumineers, it is too early to tell. I've had them for about a two months and no problems so far. Also, for both, you may have to replace them in the future.For lumineers, if you put them in the front, they will be slightly thicker than your reg tooth. Just slightly so you may have to adjust. I didn't find it much of a difference though.Overall, I am pleased with both of them. Lumineers come out slightly forward because of how real they look. It also comes with a written 5 year warranty and clinically tested to last 20 years. My venners didn't come w/a warranty but adjustments are free. But depends on the dentist.Yes, you sound like a good candidate. But you may want to also ask about crowns. I also have that. It's like a shell they place over your existing teeth to make it stronger. I grind my teeth also. The back one was very worn down. I got the gold mix one and it cost $1400 each. But I also have a silver mix one on another tooth and it was much cheaper. There's a few materials to choose from. Good luck!
i think u are a good candate. why dont you go to western dental they can give u a deal and the check up is free. they dont just give braces they also fix teeth.
First of all cosmetic dentistry is not a regonized dental speciality. Any regular dentist can claim to be a cosmetic dentist. You need to find a dentist who is good at placing and making veneers. Not only is the dentist important, but the lab he uses to make the veneers is also. I would research your area before you pick one.
Veneers only cover the front and end of your front teeth. Depending on how you bite will ultimately determine if you are a good canidate. If you bite down edge to egde there may be some problems with the veneers. If your teeth overlap you should be okay.
Lumineers and veneers are both good types of restorations. The lumineers don't require any tooth removal and are very conservative. Veneers require tooth preperation. The type you pick should /is dependent on how dark your natural teeth are and how white you want them to be. The whiter you want them or the darker the teeth means more of the material will be needed, so a veneer maybe indicated.

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