Sunday, October 25, 2009

How does it feel like to have your bottom wisdom tooth extracted?

I am having my bottom two wisdom tooth extracted on Monday and I'm very nervous. I taking those numbing shots. How does it feel for the people who done this before? They are impacted.
Most of the time you are put to sleep during the surgery, they even gave me laughing gas while the did the initial shots, you wake up after the procedure not remembering it. It will feel weird because you will have a big whole in the back of your gums, there is not much pain afterwards because you will be given pain meds such as loratab, make sure you take them with food an never on a empty stomach because they will make you sick at your stomach, As far as getting out and doing things it took me 3 days to get over it but my brother went as he pleased the next day, but mine were in the nerve good luck
It is different for everyone but today the medicines and shots work a lot better than they used to. I had the bottom and the top (all 4) done on the same day in the Army and I was hungry and went to eat afterward. I do have high tolerance for pain and it was only pressure anyway. Most everyone who has one or two done seem to be tender for 3 or 4 days and not in much pain. I would not worry if I were you.
When I had both of mine pulled out I was given the little piggy nose with the gas then later given the shots to numb the areas. The first one was so impacted that the tooth had turned so the dentist had a little hard time getting it out. The second one was not as bad and all I felt was some pulling but it was out in less than a minute. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. My dentist gave me a prescription for pain medicine and another one for an anti-biotic to keep it from getting infected. Rinsing afterwards with warm salt water will help to.
I was put under like the other people who answered and mine were impacted as well. My dentist had a hard time removing them because of this - My face was a little bruised/swollen but it did not hurt and I was at work the next day.
i had all four of my wisdom teeth removed i had to go to the dentist twice because they wanted to extract two at the top and the other time the bottom two. i had to get room for my braces to be put on and that was a big mistake because after that i feel like all my wisdom i've gained over twelve years is gone and there's nothing i can do about it because i had a crossbite and crowded teeth. they had to numb my gumline and accidently also my tongue so i was drooling because the kind of anesthia the doctor gave me was strong so they had to suction my mouth but i couldn't chew things like because i had four holes in the back of my mouth top and bottom and they put a cotton ball gauge in your mouth to dab all the blood that from getting your teeth pulled. it does hurt a bit because you can still feel a little pressure. when they give you pain prescription and impact them.

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