Sunday, October 25, 2009

How does a tooth "die"?

I just got braces, and a friend said that the repeated pain and pressure caused by braces can "kill" a tooth which results in a root canal. Is this true?! How does a tooth really "die"?
Severe trauma to a tooth is what will cause it to "die". Having braces would not be considered severe trauma. The procedure involved in straightening your teeth is very slow and calculated.When I was a teenager I was hit by a car while riding my bike, I landed on my jaw and it broke in 3 places and broke my 4 top front teeth. Only 2 of the 4 actually ended up dying.I don't know what your friend was referring to, but I don't think you have anything to worry about.Hope that helps...good luck with your braces.
Yes, trauma to a tooth can cause it to die. The pulp of the tooth is contained in the root and carries the tooth's blood supply. Anything that infects or damages the pulp can cause it to cease functioning as it needs to, to maintain tooth health.
If a tooth is "moved" too fast it can cause trauma which can cut off the blood supply to the nerve/pulp of a tooth. Cold sensitivity can tell you if a tooth is on its way out i.e. throbbing pain that lasts w/ cold or no cold sensitivity. Although I think it's uncommon for teeth to die from braces.

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