Saturday, October 31, 2009

How long does it take a tooth to develop a 4 millimeter deep pin type hole cavity into it at the gumline?

If you had a dental checkup, several including cleanings and fillings with xrays done, should a reasonable dentist have caught that? It was on the middle outside of molar #31.
Usually these types of small cavities, start in what are call pits and fissures. They are tiny pin sized depressions and grooves in a tooth. Even though radiographs are taken, they can be very misleading on a radiograph.
It all depends on how much sugar you have in your mouth and how the sugar stayed in your mouth before you brushed your teeth. When sugar enters your mouth it changes the normal pH of cariogenic plaque from 7 to 5 within in minutes, with more than a 100 fold increase in the acidity of the plaque, the calcium phosphate of teeth dissolves, therein causing your cavity.
You're going to sue because YOU got a cavity. Good luck finding a lawyer to take that one. I'm sure you'll make a small fortune. LOL !!!
It's sad what America is coming to. Everything is always somebody else's fault. Was the dentist supposed to come to your house and brush your teeth for you? LOL

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