Sunday, October 25, 2009

How do you tell someone you don't know really well that their breath smells very bad??

This younger sister of a friend of mine, is a very, very large woman. She wants a boyfriend very bad. She is aware of the weight problem, but I don't know if she is aware of the breath problem. I have sat next to her in church a few times and her breath would wither the alter flowers!! I always offer her a breath mint as I am getting one for myself, but she always turns it down!!
It's difficult to tell someone they have bad breath without offending them, especially if you don't know them all that well. But it would be for her best if you did tell her.
You sound like a gentle person, so just be polite and ask her if she's aware that she has bad breath.Bad breath does NOT mean that someone necessarily has bad dental hygiene tho as many seem to think. It could come from a stomach problem or any number of other things.
Squeak out a little gas next to her and mayby she will get the hint. If not,stand up and do it closer to her face.
Send her an anonymous gift basket with floss and toothpaste.
well that is extremely hard to tell someone but some people cant help it my sister on one hand brushes her teeth every day and takes good care of them but breath still stinks to the high heavens, sit her down and tell her to go over everything about her, say before she goes and meets someone tell her your helping make the moment special she will most likey notice her breath is foul and do something about it
This is probably the hardest question to answer there is. You can;t really avoid her so how about writing her an anonymous note. Make it kind. Say something like "I know you would want to know because you are probably not aware.... something like that . Make it sound like a POSITIVE thing and maybe she'll get the hint.
Just be honest and tell her that her breath stinks and she should try to brush her teeth more often and get regular dental check ups. Nobody has a problem telling ME when my breath stinks. Honestly is best.
I need to tell you that people who are fasting specially every sunday..there breath smell real bad.and i notice this several times..specially if that person turn down the mint..or candy..maybe they are real fasting...and sometimes some people have disease in the stomach

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