Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How many times do you brush per day? Do you lie to your dentist about it?

A dentist can tell if you have been doing a good job keeping your mouth healthy by seeing how much gunk (plaque and tartar) is stuck on your teeth, how much your gums bleed, and how many cavities you have.The only person you deceive when you lie about how many times you brush per day is... You. :-D
2 - 3 times per day, and no, I don't lie to my dentist.
Morning and Night so twice a day unless I am going somewhere I brush it again right before I go...SMILE...I do not lie to my dentist though haha
A minimum of twice a day...your dentist only asks you to make you think about it. The condition of your mouth and gums tells him/her all she needs to know. Flossing can not be faked either so why lie? Do yourself a favor take care of your teeth...the dentist will prosper from your negligence I know..I do
1-2 times with toothpaste and various times with just water. and no i dont lie.
I use to only brush my teeth 2 times a day (In the morning and before going to bed). I've got braces now so i brush them more often as it gets really annoying when stuff gets stuck in it. Probably about 4 times a day now after every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and before going to bed.
everyday morning and night (ie before going to the bed) am not lie its trupa because my tooths look beautiful
2 maybe 3 times a day. y dentist doesn't ask

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