Saturday, October 31, 2009

How long does the pain usually last after getting teeth pulled?

For some reason, I have TWO extra wisdom teeth. Along with that, one of my regualr wisdom teeth is growing in horizontally as opposed to vertically the way its supposed to. So in all, I have to get SIX teeth pulled. All my wisdom teeth and my two extras. I know its going to hurt afterward because last week I had to get some of my gums trimmed away from one of them and I'm STILL in pain. I just want to know HOW LONG the pain usually lasts and if there's any rinses or natural remedies that are safe to use to ease the pain until I 've recovered.
well you are going to be in pain for at least 2 or 3 days.I say ask for a pain medication before you leave the dentist.Try Gargling in warm salt water ,Salt heals things up faster than you can imagine.Good Luck
If done should only last a few days. Most dentists will prescribe pain killers to help with it.
hmm, about an hour, it's not really that painful, the pain comes when they inject anesthesia (sorry if misspelled)^^
First you should take some pain medicine before you go. Then eat soft food. I have had a tooth or 2 pulled before and it only lasted about 2 hours.

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